Sunday, June 14, 2020

5 Signs Its Time To Recruit New Staff For Your Business

5 Signs Its Time To Recruit New Staff For Your Business Facebook3TweetLinkedInPinEmailShares3 Its that time of the year again old budgets are coming to an end and new ones are being set so it makes sense that a lot of companies are now starting to consider their hiring plans for the next 12 months. Now, when it comes to trying to formulate a recruitment plan for the year ahead, it goes without saying that there are lots of things you need to consider to determine exactly what your needs are and in fact, if you have any needs at all. That said; if youre struggling to work out whether you need to expand your current work force or stick with what youve got for the foreseeable future, there are five telltale signs that should help you make the distinction. 1. Your Current Staff Work Overtime Every Day: OK, so a bit of overtime every now and again is a given in any business but if your staff are working overtime every single day, its a pretty big clue that you need to consider taking on new staff. Yes, the work is getting done because your current staff members are staying behind but is it the best work that could be produced, considering its being done when your employees have already worked an eight hour day? 2. Youre Missing Deadlines: Whatever type of business you run, its highly likely that youll have set deadlines for each project and piece of work. Now, while its OK to miss a deadline here and there missing every deadline thats set can not only be damaging to your finances and the progression of your business but to your reputation too. Which leads me nicely onto point three 3. Youre Disappointing Clients: When it comes to clients, youre always going to have some that are easier to please than others but if youre not pleasing any of them, it might be time to ask yourself why. If its because of missed deadlines  or inadequate work due to overworked staff, its a pretty good bet that you need to take on new staff to deal with the workload and ensure their needs are met or risk losing them forever. And dont forget; unhappy customers are always more likely to talk than happy customers so fail to please your customers and your  reputation  could be on the line.   4. You Have A 12 Week Waiting Time On All New Projects: The biggest clue that you need to invest in new staff is if youre losing potential clients because of the ridiculous wait time youve got on all new projects. OK, so if youre a digital agency, a wait time of a few weeks is pretty standard and expected however, a wait time of 12 weeks is not so standard so its no surprise clients are looking elsewhere. Similarly, if you cant put your foot down on new projects for existing clients until youve cleared your existing backlog of work (which could take months), youre not in a great position either. Remember, sometimes you have to speculate to accumulate 5. Youre Treading Water: Pretty happy with the way things are going with your business at the moment? Thats great but wouldnt you like more? Theres nothing wrong with treading water but if were looking at it from a business perspective,  it means theres always room to do more and for your business to grow and expand and sometimes that can only be achieved with the help of extra staff. So there you go; five quick signs its time to consider adding new staff to your business. Think Ive missed any out? Leave me a comment below.

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